Why Ketamine May Be the Answer to Breaking Free from Addiction
Some of the hardest addictions to break are those connected to opiates, and many addicts turn to other drugs, such as ketamine, in an attempt to find relief from the unrelenting cravings that keep them using these drugs. Ketamine may actually be the answer you’ve been looking for if you’re trying to get clean without leaving yourself vulnerable to addiction to another substance. Here’s why.
Ketamine is a medication that has been used for decades as an anesthetic for humans. In recent years, however, ketamine has also been shown to be effective in treating a number of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, ketamine has also been shown to be helpful in treating addiction.
Studies about Ketamine
In a 2006 study, ketamine was shown to reduce alcohol cravings in rats. A 2008 study found that ketamine could help treat cocaine addiction. A 2010 study showed that ketamine may help people with heroin addiction quit. A 2014 study found that ketamine could help people with methamphetamine addiction. A 2016 study showed that ketamine may help people with alcohol addiction. It’s no secret that opiate addiction is a huge problem in our country and around the world. Doctors are prescribing more medications than ever before and opioid overdose deaths are at an all-time high.
Many who try to kick their addictions turn to detox or rehab facilities, but these methods can be expensive and hard on your body and mental health. Luckily, researchers have been studying how well ketamine might work as an alternative treatment for those looking for freedom from their drug dependency.
Myths about KETAMINE
Despite what you may have heard, ketamine is a safe and effective medication that has been used for decades in medical settings. When used as directed, ketamine can be a powerful tool in helping people break free from addiction. Here are some of the most common myths about ketamine
• KETAMINE IS A DANGEROUS DRUG: Contrary to popular belief, ketamine does not cause brain damage or psychotic episodes. The misconception about the drug comes from research done on monkeys who were given large doses of ketamine over long periods of time.
• KETAMINE WILL CAUSE ADDICTION: Medical professionals know that once someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, it’s very difficult for them to stop using without help. That’s why we’re so excited to offer this new option! It’s another way we’re striving to support your health and wellness needs.
How does KETAMINE help with ADDICTION?
Ketamine is a medication that has been used for decades as an anesthetic. In recent years, however, it has shown promise in treating a number of mental health conditions, including addiction. So how does ketamine work for addiction? It’s complicated, but most researchers believe that ketamine blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain. When NMDA receptors are blocked, our dopamine levels increase and so do serotonin levels. These chemicals have been linked to feelings of pleasure and happiness—so when they’re released in high levels by ketamine, people tend to feel happier and less anxious about what was once their addiction.
What are some ADDICTIONS that can be treated with KETAMINE?
Alcoholism, opioid addiction, methamphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction, and nicotine addiction are all disorders that can potentially be treated with ketamine. How does KETAMINE work? (three sentences): Ketamine works by binding to the NMDA receptor, which prevents glutamate from binding. This action results in a decrease in excitatory neurotransmission and an increase in inhibitory neurotransmission. This change in brain activity can help to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction. What type of PATIENT is this therapy most effective for? Patients who may or may not have gone through detoxification or those who are still addicted but not currently using drugs or alcohol. We hope you’ll schedule a free phone consultation to determine if Ketamine could help you.
Author: John Annunziata | Remedy Health + Wellness